Share: Hip-Hop Hall Of Fame Coming To NYC


In the midst of “beef” between Iggy Azalea and everyone in the world about how she “stole” Hip-Hop and she made it easy because she is white blah blah blah, I came across a news that will make everyone’s day: Hip-Hop Hall of Fame is coming to Harlem and Midtown Manhattan! They are scheduled to open sometime between 2015 and 2017 and they are also bringing back their annual Hip-Hop Hall of Fame Awards which was banned in 1997.

I think this is overdue considering how impactful the culture has been for more than three decades now. You see? Not all news is about Kim Kardashian or what Azealia Banks is saying in her tweets. Check out this 2014 Hip Hop Hall of Fame Awards trailer and make sure you donate if you really want this to happen. Hip Hop lives forever!